About Me: Dr Olga Magdalena Lazin is a prolific author,and motivational Carreer Coach. Personal

Thursday, October 4, 2018


Get OLGA LAZIN's BOOKS on her page, Or ON Amazon.com And: http://www.olgalazin.com Nu vă grăbiți să alergați la farmacie, și încercați mai întâi această rețetă… Ingrediente: – 1 lămâie – 1 ceapă de mărime medie – 2 linguri de miere – 2 pahare de apă Mod de preparare: 1. Fierbeți apa și tăiați ceapa inele mici, aproximativ de 15 mm. 2. Puneți inelele de ceapă în apa clocotită. Fierbeți ceapa timp de 15 minute. 3. Luați cratița de pe foc și lăsați amestecul să se infuzeze încă 5 minute. 4. Adăugați 2 linguri de miere și amestecați bine până când mierea se va dizolva. 5. Înainte de a bea acest amestec, stoarceți în el sucul de la o lămâie. Mod de administrare: Beți câte o lingură din acest decoct de 2-3 ori de zi. Păstrați infuzia cel mult 2 zile. Acest timp este mai mult decât suficient: problema nasului înfundat se va rezolva doar în câteva ore, maxim – într-o zi. Vă recomandăm să păstrați această rețetă și povestiți despre remediul natural împotriva nasului înfundat tuturor prietenilor! SALVEAZA_TI OCHII, Cu Tinctura de Obligeana...si: Vă propunem o rețetă foarte eficientă împotriva bolilor de ochi. Aceasta vă ajută să tratați următoarele afecțiuni: glaucom, cataractă, lăcrimare, miopie, hipermetropie etc. Rețeta este simplă, universală, verificată de persoane a căror vedere a scăzut. M-a ajutat mult atât pe mine, cât și pe mama mea de 62 de ani. Doi ani în urmă, din păcate, am observat prea târziu că ochiul drept s-a acoperit în totalitate cu un strat alb, iar cu stângul aproape că nu vedea. Medicii au diagnosticat-o cu cataractă. Mama niciodată nu s-a plâns de nimic, iar eu am observat că ceva este în neregulă doar atunci când am văzut că scumpa mea mamă a încetat să iasă balcon și să-mi dea din mână în sens de adio de la etajul cinci. Când i-am privit ochii mai îndeaproape, am văzut tabloul descris mai sus. L-am sunat pe fratele meu și am mers imediat la medic. Medicul ne-a spus că ochiul stâng are cataractă sau glaucom, iar dreptul a orbit complet. Ne-au fost prescrise picături în ambii ochi, pentru a nu se înrăutăți situația. Dar își va picura oare ea singură aceste medicamente? Mergeam la ea în fiecare zi și i le administram, dar nu au ajutat. Citesc foarte multe articole de sănătate, colecționez rețete naturiste. Am preparat tinctură de rădăcină de obligeană și de gălbenele. Și mama a început să le bea. Timp de un an a consumat aproximativ 1.5 litri de tinctură. Rezultatul este excelent. Stratul alb de pe ochiul drept a dispărut deplin, însă întrucât acest ochi era deja orb, el nu a mai început să vadă. Ochiul stâng s-a tratat și vede foarte bine cu el. De fiecare dată când vin la mama, o verific cât de bine vede. O rog să-mi facă din mână și să mă recunoască, iar ea se descurcă foarte bine. Am fost foarte bucuroasă când am înțeles că poate vedea foarte bine măcar cu un ochi. Ea a început să-mi facă din mână din nou și zâmbește spunând că are cel mai bun medic alături de ea – fiica ei. Iar eu la rândul meu îi mulțumesc acelei persoane care a publicat acea rețetă, iar eu am salvat-o. Iată rețeta salvatoare. Luați o priză de praf de obligeană și un praf de gălbenele, turnați deasupra 0.5 l de vodkă, lăsați să se infuzeze 12 zile la loc întunecos, agitați, puteți să nu o strecurați. Consumați câte 1 linguriță de 3 ori pe zi cu 20-30 de minute înainte de mâncare. Pentru o cură timp de un an, trebuie să consumați 4 sticle de 0.5 l. Cu cât se va infuza mai mult, cu atât mai puternică va fi tinctura. Nu o strecurați. 1 sticlă vă ajunge pentru 2 luni. Pauza dintre cure este de 1 lună. Mama consuma tinctură dintr-un dop de la sticlă, deoarece ea nu vedea să toarne în linguriță. Ea făcea pauză mai puțin de o lună. De îndată ce tinctura era gata, ea începea să o consume din nou. De asemenea, mâinile mamei au început să fie calde, iar nu de gheață, a început să audă mai bine. Această tinctură curăță și vasele sangvine. Dar cel mai important s-a vindecat ochiul, ea vede totul și foarte bine. Această rețetă nu necesită cheltuieli prea mari și este foarte accesibilă. Fiți sănătoși! “Conținutul articolului este doar informativ și nu poate fi un substitut pentru sfatul medicului. Pentru un diagnostic corect, vă recomandăm să consultați un medic specialist.”

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Amazon.com: American Philanthropy: Is Soros A Robber Barron Or Philanthropist?: Link-- American Philathropy George Soros eBook: Dr OLGA LAZIN: Kindle Store

GET YOUR BOOK right here and NOW: https://amzn.to/2xyr4Nt Amazon.com: American Philanthropy: Is Soros A Robber Barron Or Philanthropist?: American Philathropy George Soros eBook: Dr OLGA LAZIN: Kindle Store: ""800

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CV Dr Olga Magdalena Lazin

Get OLGA LAZIN's BOOKS on Amazon.com 9-11-2018 Resumé OLGA MAGDALENA LAZIN-Andrei, Ph.D. PROFMEX – Research & Development Director - @olgamlazin Twitter LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olgaandrei/ Google+ google.com/+OLGAMAGDALENALazin Office Address E-mail: olazin@ucla.edu, olgalazin@gmail.com Citizenship: USA and Romania, HU Web page: http://www.olgalazin.com Ph.D. in History, UCLA, 2010 Education & Information Studies: Professional certificate: Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and Overnutrition, 2017 Doctoral Degree UCLA – HISTORY of Globalization & Networks 2003 to 2017 UCLA Visiting Professor – Scholar- Senior Researcher on SOCIAL SECURITY Totalization in the U.S. and Mexico 2001 -2003 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Latin American Studies 1996 M.A. in History, UCLA 1990 B.A. in Philology, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania AUTHOR: 16 Books published, download or get here in Paperback: http://www.olgalazin.com/books.html BOOK #1 Amazon Bestseller: Civic Engagement, Civil Society, and Philanthropy in the USA, Romania and Mexico BookVenture, 2018, 760 pages, In all formats. #2 Escaping Vampirism In Transylvania To The West, 2017, AMAZON.com, 500 pages, all formats, all devices. Book, Sole Author: Decentralized Globalization: Free Markets, U.S. Foundations, and the Rise of Civil and Civic Society from Rockefeller’s Latin America to Soros’ Eastern Europe Published in Spring 2017 Published by Authorhouse, online at: http://www.decentralizedglobalization.com Hardcopy and Digitized E-Book ISBN: Ebook ISBN is 9781724649234. The ISBN of my DECENTRALIZED GLOBALIZATION: 978-15-24-64-92-41 Available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/9702707137 The Spanish version of the book is published by the University of Guadalajara Press UCLA Program on Mexico, PROFMEX, and Juan Pablos Editores: ISBN 978-970-27-0713-4 in 2011 Book #2: 2011 La Globalización Se Amplia: Los claroscuros de los nexus globales. By James W. Wilkie y Olga Magdalena Lazín (Guadalajara y Los Angeles: Universidad de Guadalajara, PROFMEX, UCLA Program on Mexico, Juan Pablos Editor) http://globalizacionseamplia.com/ ISBN: 978-607-711-032-3 Book #3 Co-authored with Prof. James W Wilkie : “The Brilliant And Dark Sides Of Globalization”, 2011 Published by UCLA, and University of Guadalajara. Book #4: Dr Olga’s American Dream Come True: Biography of a Transylvanian Expat ISBN-13: 978-1973562214 ISBN-10: 1973562219 Book #5: The Mexican Eternal Revolutions: ISBN Professional Achievements: 2016 -2018 Owner at Dr Olga Essential Oils: https://dr-olga-essential-oils.myshopify.com Online Store: And Blog: http://olgaandrassy.blogspot.com/2017/08/dr-olga-essential-oils-beautiful-summer.html History of Globalization to Alternative medicine, especially Essential Oils Blend for Mental focus, sleep, better digestion, Anti-Allergy Blend. We provide free Education on Nutrition, and the latest developments, innovation and analysis on Essential Oils. We use locally sourced oils from California. Check out also http://www.olgalazin.com for Business registration, incorporation, enterprises for Women, Women Who Love Los Angeles, Lazin Global Tutoring & Coaching Daily Advice & rewards. Dr Olga Essential Oils ~ Beautiful SUMMER Dresses, And More Amazon Products for YOU: Get Yours, and Customize ~ simple ~ Shopify GET Your Summer Healing Oils here, as well as dresses etc., Dr Olga Essential Oils ~ Customize ~ simple ~ Shopify: "olgaandrassy.blogspot.com" Expert in Blending Healing Essential Oils, own brand. Jesus Anointing Oil producer. 2017 Author: 4 Books, and 60 Articles online: http://www.olgalazin.com/books.html Fertility and Development: Abortion and the Democratic Transition in Mexico, UCLA, Wednesday, February 20, 2016. http://www.olgalazin.com/articles.html ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: UCLA, CAL STATE UNIVERSITY DOMINGUEZ HILLS< CAL STATE UNIVERSITY LONG BEACH, SANTA MONICA COLLEGE< WESL L.A. , and Cerritos Colleges for 34 years. Experience: Lecturer of History -28 years experience teaching At College and University Level. 2016 -2017 Tijuana: Globalization Is Decentralized, Course in History, Summer and Fall Quarters 2015 March 8, Speaker: & Lecturer: International Women of Leadership Association Conference: http://theiwla.com/ 2014 Moderator: UCLA's Graduate School of Education and the Social Security Project UCLA Faculty Center on the topic: "MINIMUM WAGES AND SOCIAL SECURITY IN USA,Presentor: " Tuesday, Oct 7 9:30-11:30, at the University of California Faculty Center, UCLA History Lecturer Invitations: UCLA, California State University, Cal State University Long Beach, Cerritos College, Santa Monica College, West LA College, and El Camino College. 2012 History 161 & 160 – UCLA, Spring Quarter: A. The Amparo in Mexico: Comparative Study between the Habeas Corpus & Amparo. Dr James Wilkie Syllabus link: 1. Reproductive Law: http://www.slideshare.net/drlazin1/womens-rights-reproductive-rights-in-mexico?related=1 B. http://calstatela.academia.edu/DROLGALAZIN/Papers/1894506/SYLLABUS_HISTORY_160_HEALTH_SYSTEMS_and_POVERTY_IN_MEXICO 2011 UCLA Extension, Topics in American History, U.S. Constitution Summer Quarter & Winter Quarter 2010 “Women and Globalization,” Upper Division Women’s Studies Course 401I California State University, Long Beach, Spring Semester 2009 “World History Since 1500,” Upper Division History Course, Course 380 at California State University, Long Beach, Spring Semester 2008 Lecturer, Teaching Assistant, Colonial America, Classic Travel Accounts of United States of America, 1999, UCLA. 2007 Senior Lecturer, CSUDH: Integrating Women’s History into Courses, Spring, Summer, Winter, fall 2004 UCLA Extension, Senior Lecturer, Issues in Latin American History, Summer Quarter 2002 “Women and Globalization,” Upper Division Women’s Studies Course 401I California State University, Long Beach, Spring Semester “World History Since 1500,” Upper Division History Course, Course 380 California State University, Long Beach, Spring Semester 2001 “Women in World History,” Upper Division History, 380 - California State University, Dominguez Hills, Fall Semester 2001 “Mexico Since 1910,” UCLA Upper Division Course History 171 UCLA Extension (UNEX), Spring Quarter 2000 “History of Latin America,” Upper Division Course “History of Women in Mexico Since Colonialism” Upper Division Course Santa Monica College, Summer Quarter 1999 “History of the Americas,” Lower Division History 8.1 Cerritos College, Winter Quarter UCLA Teaching Experience: Department of History 2004 History Professor at Cal State LONG BEACH: “Women’s Issues in Contemporary Mexican History” Lower Division Course 170A “Films as History of Latin America,” Lower Division Course 8C 1998 History Lecturer, UCLA, Professor: “The Latina Woman in Film History: Cinemalore Examined,” Upper Division/Graduate Course 169 1997 Co-Instructor with Dr James W Wilkie: “Latin American Elitelore” Upper Division/Graduate Course 169 UCLA Course Teaching Assistant: Department of History 1997 “Cultural History of Mexico” (170C) 1997-1998 “Historical Statistics of Latin America” (Graduate: 268A-B) 1996 “Latin America and the World,” History 169 1994 “Leaders in World Development” (169) 1993-1994 “Latin American Film and Society” (170A) 1991 to Present: “Classic Travel Accounts of Latin America” (History 170C) Long-Term Research Projects: Los Angeles The Second Capital of All Countries: Book project Member of: “Women in Global Technology: Past and Present” “Women’s History & Gender Studies in the Process of Globalization” Managing Editor of Web Journal PROFMEX.com 1997 –to present:-- Mexico and the World http://www.profmex.com Articles Authored: Available Online http://www.olgalazin.com/books.html Book Reviewer Panel at: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/ 2016 “Expansion del Papel del Instituto Nacional de Migración de México (INAMI) y Establecimiento de Un ‘Think Tank" Dedicado a Mejorar la Calidad de Vida en La Gran Los Angeles-Tijuana,” (México, D.F.: INAMI, 2002), Chapter 5. 2001 “History and Components of Globalization,” Statistical Abstract of Latin America 37 (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications), pp. xxiv-xxvii. 2000a “Romanian Globalization Theory and Its Impact In Latin America - The Neopopulist Discourse,” UCLA Historical Journal, Issue 19, pp. 12-34. 2000b Review of Crafting the Third World: Theorizing Under- development in Brazil (Stanford University Press, 1996) by Joseph Love,” Mexico and the World 5:2 www.isop.ucla.edu/profmex/volume5/2spring00/00Lazin1.htm 1999a “Mexico and Romania Compared,” in Mexico and the World, edited by James W. Wilkie (México, D.F.: PROFMEX-ANUIES), pp. 206-233. Also in Mexico and the World 6:1 www.isop.ucla.edu/profmex/volume6/1winter01/01lazin1.htm 1999b "Globalización Fast-Track y el Surgimiento de Áreas de Libre Comercio (ALC) y Corporaciones Transglobales (CTG) Virtuales", in México frente a la Modernización de China, ed. Oscar M. González Cuevas (México, D.F.: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Azcapotzalco), pp. 307-359. (Co-authored with James W. Wilkie) 1996 “Bloques Emergentes de Comercio Internacional: Comparación |Entre el Área de Libre Comercio de América del Norte y la Unión Europea,” Carta Económica Regional, Universidad de Guadalajara, No. 48, May-June, pp. 29-36. 1995a “NAFTA and The European Union Compared,” in Statistical Abstract of Latin America, Vol. 30;1, pp. 1205-1230. 1995a “México Como Punta de Lanza para el Libre Comercio en las Américas,” in Ajustes y Desajustes Regionales, eds. Jesús Arroyo Alejandre y David E. Lorey (Guadalajara y Los Angeles: University of Guadalajara y UCLA Program on Mexico), 47-112. (Co-author James W. Wilkie) 1994 “Mexico as a Linchpin for Free Trade in the Americas: The Women Maquiladora Wokers,” in Statistical Abstract of Latin America, Vol. 31:2, pp. 1173-1203. (Co-author James W. Wilkie) 1985 “Originality and Stereotypes,” Nord, Baia Mare, Romania, Jan, p. 3. 1984 “Confessions,” Nord, Baia Mare, Romania, January 1, p. 5. Course Readers Edited 2002 Women in Global Perspectives, Course reader, 401I CSULB 2001 Women in History: Globalizing Women and Gender Studies in History, California State University, Dominguez Hills 1999 Elitelore Issues, UCLA Spring And Summer Quarter: 2002 Frontiers in Elitelore, UCLA History 169 1995 Issues in Elitelore and Folklore, UCLA History 169 Research Awards from UCLA International Studies Overseas Programs 1999-2001 UCLA Travel Grant to Conduct Research on “Reconstructing the Legal Framework for Civil Society in Romania: The Mexican Model." 1997-1998 UCLA Travel Grant to Conduct Research on “Los Angeles, Historical Sights And Movie Houses” 1996 Latin American Center Fieldwork Award Professional Achievements: 2016 Historic Los Angeles: Monuments and Film Production Companies Analyzed 2009 American Women in Film, Panelist, Leadership Conference Mexico City 2007 PROFMEX-UCLA Conference Organizing Committee, “Mexico and Public Policy,” Morelia, State of Michoacán, September 19-25. 1998 Co-Conference Organizer: “The Latina Woman in Film,” UCLA, May 1998 1997-- Director, Globalization Studies, UCLA Latin America Center 1997 PROFMEX Conference Organizing Committee, “Mexico and the World,” Morelia, State of Michoacán, December 8-15 www.profmex.com //mexworld/issue6/art1 1994-- PROFMEX Director, NAFTA-European Integration 1993-- Organizer, NPPOs GLOBAL-Program for Legally Facilitating the Flow of U.S. - Based Tax Exempt Funds to Not-For-Private-Profit Organizations Worldwide. Conferences held in: Belgium, Hungary, Romania, 1995 Hungary, Romania, Switzerland, 1994 France, Russia, Spain, 1993 1993 Chief of Project, Establishment of PROFMEX Office at the Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow June 15-26. 1992 1992 Director NAFTA - European Integration Studies, based in France and Mexico. February 20-December 15. 1991 PROFMEX Organizer, “Mission to Analyze De-statification in Eastern Europe, September 15 – October 12. Professional Memberships; Since 1990 American Historical Association The International Women’s Leadership West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce American-Romanian Academy of Science and Arts American-Romanian Foundation (California Tax-Exempt Organization) Founding Member and Chair of Board of Directors, 1997-- President, 1997— Conference on Latin American History Feminist Majority Foundation (Founder of Feminist Alliance, UCLA Chapter) Institute for the Study of Gender in Mexico Northern California Translators Association (NCTA) PROFMEX–Consortium for Research on Mexico Board of Directors, 1997— Holmby Park Advisory Board, Beverly Hills, 2001-- Conferences, Seminars Presentations and Invitations: 2014 Moderator: UCLA's Graduate School of Education and the Social Security Project UCLA Faculty Center on the topic: "MINIMUM WAGES AND SOCIAL SECURITY IN MEXICO AND USA," Tuesday, Oct 7 9:30-11:30 at the Faculty Center 2001 Conference on “Latin American Literature and Education,” Mexico City, June 17-24, Paper: “The Challenge of Globalization, Civil Society in Latin America and Canada.” 2001 Conference on “Urban Poverty Worldwide,” Toluca, State of Mexico, November 6-9, Paper: “Marginalization of Women in the Labor Force.” 2000 Conference Organizer, “Technological Knowledge and Women’s Role in the Global Advocacy Networking,” UCLA, June 4 2000 PROFMEX-UCLA Conference on “Mexico and Public Policy,” Paper: “The Mexico NGO Sector and the Role of Women.” Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico, Sept. 14– 23. TV Interview: Noticiero Canal 13 de Televisa Broadcast to Mexico/USA 1999 UCLA Colloquium in European History and Culture, October 16, Paper: "Globalization of Civil Society: The Open Society Fund in East-Central Europe–International Philanthropy" 1999 Organizer, PROFMEX-Guanajuato Conference on Innovative Ideas for Mexico’s Development," Paper “The Role of Transnational NGOs in Developing Civil Society in Mexico,” Guanajuato, April 14-19. 1999 Organizer, UCLA Seminar on “Globalization and Romania's Transylvanian Region,” sponsored by U.S. Small Business Association, July 7 2003 UCLA History Annual Conference on Women’s History, March 17, Paper: “The Politics of Gender During the Period of Socialism” 1997 Romanian Academy Conference on "Civil Society ,” Cluj Napoca, Romania, June 15, Paper: “Civil Society and the Transfer of the Mexican-U.S. Model to Romania,” 1997 Romanian Civic Academy Conference on “Rebuilding Civil Society," Sighet, Maramures, Romania, June 22, Paper: “The Deliberate Distraction Of Romania’s Civil Society after 1947 by the Ceausescu Dictatorship" 1996 UCLA Colloquium on Romania, June 17, Paper: “The Emerging Romanian Informational Infrastructure” 1996 UCLA Colloquium in European History and Culture, October 16, Paper: "Civil Society and the Mexican Adaptation of the U.S. Philanthropic Model" 1995 The American-Romanian Academy of Science Annual Meeting, University of Reno, January 12 – 17. Moderator: “Session on Culture”; Paper: “Orwell's ‘1984’ and Life Under ‘Big Brothers’ Stalin & Ceausescu” 1994 PROFMEX Policy Seminar for Managing the Greater El Paso-Ciudad Juárez Metropolitan Area, El Paso, March 14-15. Paper: “Simplifying U.S.-Mexican Visas” 1994 Mexico’s Federal Electoral Institute, Invitee as International Observer of the Mexican Presidential Election, Mexico City, August 19-22. 1994 PROFMEX Conference on “Experiences of De-statification” Mexico City, August 23, 1994, Paper: “NAFTA and EU Compared.” 1994 Romanian Internet Learning Workshop. Miercurea Ciuc, Romania, April 29, Paper: “Ironies and Complexities of Redefining Civil Society In East-Central Europe. http://oc1.itim-cj.ro/rilw/Papers/Olga.html 1993 Mexico City University (UAM-A), September 18, paper: “Accelerating the education of Young Women in Mexico: A Development Imperative” Languages Spoken and Written English speak, read, write Romanian speak, read, write French speak, read, write Spanish speak, read, write German speak Latin read, write Hungarian speak, read, write Italian speak, read, write Travel and Research___________________________________________ Europe Americas Austria: Sept 1991 Canada: Oct 1992, Nov 1995 Belgium: Sept 1995 Mexico: Yearly, 1992—50 times, all 37 states Bulgaria: Sept 1992 England: Jan and May 2001 France: 1991-1992 USA: October 1992-- Hungary: 1991, 1992, 1995 Guatemala, January 1999 Romania: Yearly, 1992-- Costa Rica, March 1999 Russia: June 1993 Spain: March 1992 Switzerland: June-July 1994 Turkey: July 2000 References Dr. James W. Wilkie, UCLA Professor of Globalization History and Policy Studies Chair, UCLA Program on Mexico President, PROFMEX 1242 Lachman Lane, Pacific Palisades, CA, 90272 Tel. cell (310) 454-8812, office 310-208 2244 E-mail: james.wilkie@att.net Dr. Carlos Alberto Torres, UCLA Professor of Education Director, UCLA Latin American Center UCLA, Bunche 10343, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-6859 Tel. (310) 825-4571, Fax (310) 206 6859 E-mail: torres@gseis.ucla.edu and/or CATNOVOA@aol.com Dr. Aida Mostkoff-Linares, Professor of Latin American History Santa Monica College 1900 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405-1628 Tel: (310) 434 4597 E-mail: amostkoff@gmail.com Dr. Ronald E. Hellman, CUNY Professor of Sociology Director, CUNY Center for Science and Society in the Americas City University of New York 365 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10016 Tel. (516) 477-4011 rhellman@suffolk.lib.ny.us Dr. Jesús Arroyo Alejandre, Professor and Dean, School of Economics University of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Tel: (011-52-33) 36-33-54-45 E-mail: jesusarr@cucea.udg.mx Dr. Iván T. Berend, UCLA Professor of East Central European History Director, UCLA Center for Eastern Europe and Russian Studies UCLA, 6343 Bunche Hall,405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90095 Tel. (310) 825 1178 E-mail: iberend @history.ucla.edu Dr. Dumitru Pop, Professor of Folklore, University of Babes-Bolyai, Str. Mihail Kogalniceanu Nr. 1 Cluj Napoca, 3400, Romania Tel. (40-64) 134-898 PROF. PETER LOWENBERG: 310-471-3030 UCLA, PSYCHOLOGY DEPT. plowenberg@ucla.edu SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIALIST: Google + Specialist and Developer Google+ OLGA LAZIN PROFMEX – Research & Development Director - @olgamlazin Twitter Proficient and Active On All Social Media Platforms; LinkedIn: Dr Olga Lazin Andrei Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Olga-Lazin-678921015776101/ Twitter: User - AuOlgaLazin Url - https://twitter.com/AuOlgaLazin Amazon Account: amazon.com/author/olgalazin And: amazon.com/author/olgamagdalenalazin Twitter: @olgamlazin & @olgalazin Facebook: DrOlga Lazin & Olga Lazin http://www.facebook.com/olgalazin Instagram: #drolgalazin, #lazinolga Wordpress; drolgalazin.wordpress.com Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+OLGALAZINDr Blog: http://olgamagdalenaandrei.blogspot.com My Store: http://dr-olga-essential-oils.shopify.com PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/drlazin/pins https://www.pinterest.com/source/olgamagdalenalazin.blogspot.com/ https://www.pinterest.com/drlazin/nutritional-longevity/ BLOG: http://olgaandreimagda.blogspot.com/2017/08/coconut-oil-pulling-benefits-and-my-how.html Tumbler: http://www.Tumblr.com/drlazin http://www.Bloger.com/olgaandrassy.bloger.com EBAY: olazin Blog: Take YOUR life To The Next Level: http://olgaandreimagda.blogspot.com/2017/08/is-vaping-essential-oils-dangerous-nr-1.html Treasure-chest of affirmations. Peter Loewenberg CRUSINUL: The crucifix grows in the plain, the hills, the meadow forests, the wilderness, the waterfalls and the swamps, sporadically in the mountainous regions. The bark of the young branches is harvested for therapy and is only used one year after harvest or if it is subjected to a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius for one hour, otherwise it is toxic. The crust bark contains glycosides, mucilages, saponins, bitter principles, resins, sitosterol, flavones and peptide alkaloids. Cruelty acts as a laxative, purgative, colagogue - favors the excretion of the bile, antiviral and choleratic - stimulates bile secretion. Its laxative effect, for which it is known, installs slowly and is differentiated, depending on the dose. The crust bark is useful in phytotherapeutic treatment of constipation and hepato-biliary dysfunctions. If decoction gums are massaged, we can cure gingivitis. Applied to the scalp, the decoction removes the lice. Crustean extract may inhibit the growth of tumors. Here's how you can take the balloon sweat by the cups How is decoction prepared and how is it consumed? For a moderate acceleration of intestinal transit, prepare as follows: add a teaspoon of the plant to a cup of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, then leave for 15 minutes. He sneezes and drinks hot, empty stomach, morning and evening, or two cups a day, morning and evening, before bedtime. Cruşinul creşte la câmpie, pe dealuri, în păduri de luncă, în zâvoaie, pe malul apelor şi în mlaştini, sporadic în regiunile montane. Pentru terapie se recoltează scoarţa ramurilor tinere şi se întrebuinţează numai după un an de la recoltare sau dacă este supusă unei temperaturi de 100 grade Celsius, timp de o oră, altfel este toxică. Scoarţa de Cruşin conţine glicozide, mucilagii, saponină, principii amare, răşini, sitosterol, flavone şi alcaloizi peptici. Cruşinul acţionează ca laxativ, purgativ, este colagog – favorizează evacuarea bilei, antiviral şi coleretic – stimulează secreţia de bilă. Efectul său laxativ, pentru care este cunoscut, se instalează lent şi este diferenţiat, în funcţie de doză. Scoarţa de Cruşin este utilă în tratarea fitoterapeutică a constipaţiei şi a disfuncţiilor hepato-biliare. Dacă se masează gingiile cu decoct, putem vindeca gingivita. Aplicat pe scalp, decoctul elimină păduchii. Extractul de Cruşin poate inhiba dezvoltarea tumorilor. IATĂ CUM POŢI SCĂPA DE BALONARE DUPĂ MESELE COPIOASE Cum se prepară decoctul şi cum se consumă? Pentru o accelerare moderată a tranzitului intestinal se prepară astfel: se adaugă o linguriţă cu vârf de plantă la o cană cu apă clocotită, se fierbe timp de 15 minute, apoi se lasă acoperit încă 15 minute. Se strecoară şi se bea călduţ, pe stomacul gol, dimineaţa şi seara sau câte două căni pe zi, dimineaţa şi seara, înainte de culcare. And: http://www.olgalazin.com

Friday, July 13, 2018


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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

NAFTA and The European Union Compared, Dr Olga M Lazin CV: Smashwords – Smashwords Widgets

9-11-2018 Resumé OLGA MAGDALENA LAZIN-Andrei, Ph.D. PROFMEX – Research & Development Director - @olgamlazin Twitter LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olgaandrei/ Google+ google.com/+OLGAMAGDALENALazin Office Address E-mail: olazin@ucla.edu, olgalazin@gmail.com Citizenship: USA and Romania, HU Web page: http://www.olgalazin.com Ph.D. in History, UCLA, 2010 Education & Information Studies: Professional certificate: Nutrition and Health: Macronutrients and Overnutrition, 2017 Doctoral Degree UCLA – HISTORY of Globalization & Networks 2003 to 2017 UCLA Visiting Professor – Scholar- Senior Researcher on SOCIAL SECURITY Totalization in the U.S. and Mexico 2001 -2003 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Latin American Studies 1996 M.A. in History, UCLA 1990 B.A. in Philology, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania AUTHOR: 16 Books published, download or get here in Paperback: http://www.olgalazin.com/books.html BOOK #1 Amazon Bestseller: Civic Engagement, Civil Society, and Philanthropy in the USA, Romania and Mexico BookVenture, 2018, 760 pages, In all formats. #2 Escaping Vampirism In Transylvania To The West, 2017, AMAZON.com, 500 pages, all formats, all devices. Book, Sole Author: Decentralized Globalization: Free Markets, U.S. Foundations, and the Rise of Civil and Civic Society from Rockefeller’s Latin America to Soros’ Eastern Europe Published in Spring 2017 Published by Authorhouse, online at: http://www.decentralizedglobalization.com Hardcopy and Digitized E-Book ISBN: Ebook ISBN is 9781724649234. The ISBN of my DECENTRALIZED GLOBALIZATION: 978-15-24-64-92-41 Available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/9702707137 The Spanish version of the book is published by the University of Guadalajara Press UCLA Program on Mexico, PROFMEX, and Juan Pablos Editores: ISBN 978-970-27-0713-4 in 2011 Book #2: 2011 La Globalización Se Amplia: Los claroscuros de los nexus globales. By James W. Wilkie y Olga Magdalena Lazín (Guadalajara y Los Angeles: Universidad de Guadalajara, PROFMEX, UCLA Program on Mexico, Juan Pablos Editor) http://globalizacionseamplia.com/ ISBN: 978-607-711-032-3 Book #3 Co-authored with Prof. James W Wilkie : “The Brilliant And Dark Sides Of Globalization”, 2011 Published by UCLA, and University of Guadalajara. Book #4: Dr Olga’s American Dream Come True: Biography of a Transylvanian Expat ISBN-13: 978-1973562214 ISBN-10: 1973562219 Book #5: The Mexican Eternal Revolutions: ISBN Professional Achievements: 2016 -2018 Owner at Dr Olga Essential Oils: https://dr-olga-essential-oils.myshopify.com Online Store: And Blog: http://olgaandrassy.blogspot.com/2017/08/dr-olga-essential-oils-beautiful-summer.html History of Globalization to Alternative medicine, especially Essential Oils Blend for Mental focus, sleep, better digestion, Anti-Allergy Blend. We provide free Education on Nutrition, and the latest developments, innovation and analysis on Essential Oils. We use locally sourced oils from California. Check out also http://www.olgalazin.com for Business registration, incorporation, enterprises for Women, Women Who Love Los Angeles, Lazin Global Tutoring & Coaching Daily Advice & rewards. Dr Olga Essential Oils ~ Beautiful SUMMER Dresses, And More Amazon Products for YOU: Get Yours, and Customize ~ simple ~ Shopify GET Your Summer Healing Oils here, as well as dresses etc., Dr Olga Essential Oils ~ Customize ~ simple ~ Shopify: "olgaandrassy.blogspot.com" Expert in Blending Healing Essential Oils, own brand. Jesus Anointing Oil producer. 2017 Author: 4 Books, and 60 Articles online: http://www.olgalazin.com/books.html Fertility and Development: Abortion and the Democratic Transition in Mexico, UCLA, Wednesday, February 20, 2016. http://www.olgalazin.com/articles.html ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: UCLA, CAL STATE UNIVERSITY DOMINGUEZ HILLS< CAL STATE UNIVERSITY LONG BEACH, SANTA MONICA COLLEGE< WESL L.A. , and Cerritos Colleges for 34 years. Experience: Lecturer of History -28 years experience teaching At College and University Level. 2016 -2017 Tijuana: Globalization Is Decentralized, Course in History, Summer and Fall Quarters 2015 March 8, Speaker: & Lecturer: International Women of Leadership Association Conference: http://theiwla.com/ 2014 Moderator: UCLA's Graduate School of Education and the Social Security Project UCLA Faculty Center on the topic: "MINIMUM WAGES AND SOCIAL SECURITY IN USA,Presentor: " Tuesday, Oct 7 9:30-11:30, at the University of California Faculty Center, UCLA History Lecturer Invitations: UCLA, California State University, Cal State University Long Beach, Cerritos College, Santa Monica College, West LA College, and El Camino College. 2012 History 161 & 160 – UCLA, Spring Quarter: A. The Amparo in Mexico: Comparative Study between the Habeas Corpus & Amparo. Dr James Wilkie Syllabus link: 1. Reproductive Law: http://www.slideshare.net/drlazin1/womens-rights-reproductive-rights-in-mexico?related=1 B. http://calstatela.academia.edu/DROLGALAZIN/Papers/1894506/SYLLABUS_HISTORY_160_HEALTH_SYSTEMS_and_POVERTY_IN_MEXICO 2011 UCLA Extension, Topics in American History, U.S. Constitution Summer Quarter & Winter Quarter 2010 “Women and Globalization,” Upper Division Women’s Studies Course 401I California State University, Long Beach, Spring Semester 2009 “World History Since 1500,” Upper Division History Course, Course 380 at California State University, Long Beach, Spring Semester 2008 Lecturer, Teaching Assistant, Colonial America, Classic Travel Accounts of United States of America, 1999, UCLA. 2007 Senior Lecturer, CSUDH: Integrating Women’s History into Courses, Spring, Summer, Winter, fall 2004 UCLA Extension, Senior Lecturer, Issues in Latin American History, Summer Quarter 2002 “Women and Globalization,” Upper Division Women’s Studies Course 401I California State University, Long Beach, Spring Semester “World History Since 1500,” Upper Division History Course, Course 380 California State University, Long Beach, Spring Semester 2001 “Women in World History,” Upper Division History, 380 - California State University, Dominguez Hills, Fall Semester 2001 “Mexico Since 1910,” UCLA Upper Division Course History 171 UCLA Extension (UNEX), Spring Quarter 2000 “History of Latin America,” Upper Division Course “History of Women in Mexico Since Colonialism” Upper Division Course Santa Monica College, Summer Quarter 1999 “History of the Americas,” Lower Division History 8.1 Cerritos College, Winter Quarter UCLA Teaching Experience: Department of History 2004 History Professor at Cal State LONG BEACH: “Women’s Issues in Contemporary Mexican History” Lower Division Course 170A “Films as History of Latin America,” Lower Division Course 8C 1998 History Lecturer, UCLA, Professor: “The Latina Woman in Film History: Cinemalore Examined,” Upper Division/Graduate Course 169 1997 Co-Instructor with Dr James W Wilkie: “Latin American Elitelore” Upper Division/Graduate Course 169 UCLA Course Teaching Assistant: Department of History 1997 “Cultural History of Mexico” (170C) 1997-1998 “Historical Statistics of Latin America” (Graduate: 268A-B) 1996 “Latin America and the World,” History 169 1994 “Leaders in World Development” (169) 1993-1994 “Latin American Film and Society” (170A) 1991 to Present: “Classic Travel Accounts of Latin America” (History 170C) Long-Term Research Projects: Los Angeles The Second Capital of All Countries: Book project Member of: “Women in Global Technology: Past and Present” “Women’s History & Gender Studies in the Process of Globalization” Managing Editor of Web Journal PROFMEX.com 1997 –to present:-- Mexico and the World http://www.profmex.com Articles Authored: Available Online http://www.olgalazin.com/books.html Book Reviewer Panel at: http://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/ 2016 “Expansion del Papel del Instituto Nacional de Migración de México (INAMI) y Establecimiento de Un ‘Think Tank" Dedicado a Mejorar la Calidad de Vida en La Gran Los Angeles-Tijuana,” (México, D.F.: INAMI, 2002), Chapter 5. 2001 “History and Components of Globalization,” Statistical Abstract of Latin America 37 (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications), pp. xxiv-xxvii. 2000a “Romanian Globalization Theory and Its Impact In Latin America - The Neopopulist Discourse,” UCLA Historical Journal, Issue 19, pp. 12-34. 2000b Review of Crafting the Third World: Theorizing Under- development in Brazil (Stanford University Press, 1996) by Joseph Love,” Mexico and the World 5:2 www.isop.ucla.edu/profmex/volume5/2spring00/00Lazin1.htm 1999a “Mexico and Romania Compared,” in Mexico and the World, edited by James W. Wilkie (México, D.F.: PROFMEX-ANUIES), pp. 206-233. Also in Mexico and the World 6:1 www.isop.ucla.edu/profmex/volume6/1winter01/01lazin1.htm 1999b "Globalización Fast-Track y el Surgimiento de Áreas de Libre Comercio (ALC) y Corporaciones Transglobales (CTG) Virtuales", in México frente a la Modernización de China, ed. Oscar M. González Cuevas (México, D.F.: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Azcapotzalco), pp. 307-359. (Co-authored with James W. Wilkie) 1996 “Bloques Emergentes de Comercio Internacional: Comparación |Entre el Área de Libre Comercio de América del Norte y la Unión Europea,” Carta Económica Regional, Universidad de Guadalajara, No. 48, May-June, pp. 29-36. 1995a “NAFTA and The European Union Compared,” in Statistical Abstract of Latin America, Vol. 30;1, pp. 1205-1230. 1995a “México Como Punta de Lanza para el Libre Comercio en las Américas,” in Ajustes y Desajustes Regionales, eds. Jesús Arroyo Alejandre y David E. Lorey (Guadalajara y Los Angeles: University of Guadalajara y UCLA Program on Mexico), 47-112. (Co-author James W. Wilkie) 1994 “Mexico as a Linchpin for Free Trade in the Americas: The Women Maquiladora Wokers,” in Statistical Abstract of Latin America, Vol. 31:2, pp. 1173-1203. (Co-author James W. Wilkie) 1985 “Originality and Stereotypes,” Nord, Baia Mare, Romania, Jan, p. 3. 1984 “Confessions,” Nord, Baia Mare, Romania, January 1, p. 5. Course Readers Edited 2002 Women in Global Perspectives, Course reader, 401I CSULB 2001 Women in History: Globalizing Women and Gender Studies in History, California State University, Dominguez Hills 1999 Elitelore Issues, UCLA Spring And Summer Quarter: 2002 Frontiers in Elitelore, UCLA History 169 1995 Issues in Elitelore and Folklore, UCLA History 169 Research Awards from UCLA International Studies Overseas Programs 1999-2001 UCLA Travel Grant to Conduct Research on “Reconstructing the Legal Framework for Civil Society in Romania: The Mexican Model." 1997-1998 UCLA Travel Grant to Conduct Research on “Los Angeles, Historical Sights And Movie Houses” 1996 Latin American Center Fieldwork Award Professional Achievements: 2016 Historic Los Angeles: Monuments and Film Production Companies Analyzed 2009 American Women in Film, Panelist, Leadership Conference Mexico City 2007 PROFMEX-UCLA Conference Organizing Committee, “Mexico and Public Policy,” Morelia, State of Michoacán, September 19-25. 1998 Co-Conference Organizer: “The Latina Woman in Film,” UCLA, May 1998 1997-- Director, Globalization Studies, UCLA Latin America Center 1997 PROFMEX Conference Organizing Committee, “Mexico and the World,” Morelia, State of Michoacán, December 8-15 www.profmex.com //mexworld/issue6/art1 1994-- PROFMEX Director, NAFTA-European Integration 1993-- Organizer, NPPOs GLOBAL-Program for Legally Facilitating the Flow of U.S. - Based Tax Exempt Funds to Not-For-Private-Profit Organizations Worldwide. Conferences held in: Belgium, Hungary, Romania, 1995 Hungary, Romania, Switzerland, 1994 France, Russia, Spain, 1993 1993 Chief of Project, Establishment of PROFMEX Office at the Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow June 15-26. 1992 1992 Director NAFTA - European Integration Studies, based in France and Mexico. February 20-December 15. 1991 PROFMEX Organizer, “Mission to Analyze De-statification in Eastern Europe, September 15 – October 12. Professional Memberships; Since 1990 American Historical Association The International Women’s Leadership West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce American-Romanian Academy of Science and Arts American-Romanian Foundation (California Tax-Exempt Organization) Founding Member and Chair of Board of Directors, 1997-- President, 1997— Conference on Latin American History Feminist Majority Foundation (Founder of Feminist Alliance, UCLA Chapter) Institute for the Study of Gender in Mexico Northern California Translators Association (NCTA) PROFMEX–Consortium for Research on Mexico Board of Directors, 1997— Holmby Park Advisory Board, Beverly Hills, 2001-- Conferences, Seminars Presentations and Invitations: 2014 Moderator: UCLA's Graduate School of Education and the Social Security Project UCLA Faculty Center on the topic: "MINIMUM WAGES AND SOCIAL SECURITY IN MEXICO AND USA," Tuesday, Oct 7 9:30-11:30 at the Faculty Center 2001 Conference on “Latin American Literature and Education,” Mexico City, June 17-24, Paper: “The Challenge of Globalization, Civil Society in Latin America and Canada.” 2001 Conference on “Urban Poverty Worldwide,” Toluca, State of Mexico, November 6-9, Paper: “Marginalization of Women in the Labor Force.” 2000 Conference Organizer, “Technological Knowledge and Women’s Role in the Global Advocacy Networking,” UCLA, June 4 2000 PROFMEX-UCLA Conference on “Mexico and Public Policy,” Paper: “The Mexico NGO Sector and the Role of Women.” Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico, Sept. 14– 23. TV Interview: Noticiero Canal 13 de Televisa Broadcast to Mexico/USA 1999 UCLA Colloquium in European History and Culture, October 16, Paper: "Globalization of Civil Society: The Open Society Fund in East-Central Europe–International Philanthropy" 1999 Organizer, PROFMEX-Guanajuato Conference on Innovative Ideas for Mexico’s Development," Paper “The Role of Transnational NGOs in Developing Civil Society in Mexico,” Guanajuato, April 14-19. 1999 Organizer, UCLA Seminar on “Globalization and Romania's Transylvanian Region,” sponsored by U.S. Small Business Association, July 7 2003 UCLA History Annual Conference on Women’s History, March 17, Paper: “The Politics of Gender During the Period of Socialism” 1997 Romanian Academy Conference on "Civil Society ,” Cluj Napoca, Romania, June 15, Paper: “Civil Society and the Transfer of the Mexican-U.S. Model to Romania,” 1997 Romanian Civic Academy Conference on “Rebuilding Civil Society," Sighet, Maramures, Romania, June 22, Paper: “The Deliberate Distraction Of Romania’s Civil Society after 1947 by the Ceausescu Dictatorship" 1996 UCLA Colloquium on Romania, June 17, Paper: “The Emerging Romanian Informational Infrastructure” 1996 UCLA Colloquium in European History and Culture, October 16, Paper: "Civil Society and the Mexican Adaptation of the U.S. Philanthropic Model" 1995 The American-Romanian Academy of Science Annual Meeting, University of Reno, January 12 – 17. Moderator: “Session on Culture”; Paper: “Orwell's ‘1984’ and Life Under ‘Big Brothers’ Stalin & Ceausescu” 1994 PROFMEX Policy Seminar for Managing the Greater El Paso-Ciudad Juárez Metropolitan Area, El Paso, March 14-15. Paper: “Simplifying U.S.-Mexican Visas” 1994 Mexico’s Federal Electoral Institute, Invitee as International Observer of the Mexican Presidential Election, Mexico City, August 19-22. 1994 PROFMEX Conference on “Experiences of De-statification” Mexico City, August 23, 1994, Paper: “NAFTA and EU Compared.” 1994 Romanian Internet Learning Workshop. Miercurea Ciuc, Romania, April 29, Paper: “Ironies and Complexities of Redefining Civil Society In East-Central Europe. http://oc1.itim-cj.ro/rilw/Papers/Olga.html 1993 Mexico City University (UAM-A), September 18, paper: “Accelerating the education of Young Women in Mexico: A Development Imperative” Languages Spoken and Written English speak, read, write Romanian speak, read, write French speak, read, write Spanish speak, read, write German speak Latin read, write Hungarian speak, read, write Italian speak, read, write Travel and Research___________________________________________ Europe Americas Austria: Sept 1991 Canada: Oct 1992, Nov 1995 Belgium: Sept 1995 Mexico: Yearly, 1992—50 times, all 37 states Bulgaria: Sept 1992 England: Jan and May 2001 France: 1991-1992 USA: October 1992-- Hungary: 1991, 1992, 1995 Guatemala, January 1999 Romania: Yearly, 1992-- Costa Rica, March 1999 Russia: June 1993 Spain: March 1992 Switzerland: June-July 1994 Turkey: July 2000 References Dr. James W. Wilkie, UCLA Professor of Globalization History and Policy Studies Chair, UCLA Program on Mexico President, PROFMEX 1242 Lachman Lane, Pacific Palisades, CA, 90272 Tel. cell (310) 454-8812, office 310-208 2244 E-mail: james.wilkie@att.net Dr. Carlos Alberto Torres, UCLA Professor of Education Director, UCLA Latin American Center UCLA, Bunche 10343, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-6859 Tel. (310) 825-4571, Fax (310) 206 6859 E-mail: torres@gseis.ucla.edu and/or CATNOVOA@aol.com Dr. Aida Mostkoff-Linares, Professor of Latin American History Santa Monica College 1900 Pico Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405-1628 Tel: (310) 434 4597 E-mail: amostkoff@gmail.com Dr. Ronald E. Hellman, CUNY Professor of Sociology Director, CUNY Center for Science and Society in the Americas City University of New York 365 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10016 Tel. (516) 477-4011 rhellman@suffolk.lib.ny.us Dr. Jesús Arroyo Alejandre, Professor and Dean, School of Economics University of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Tel: (011-52-33) 36-33-54-45 E-mail: jesusarr@cucea.udg.mx Dr. Iván T. Berend, UCLA Professor of East Central European History Director, UCLA Center for Eastern Europe and Russian Studies UCLA, 6343 Bunche Hall,405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90095 Tel. (310) 825 1178 E-mail: iberend @history.ucla.edu Dr. Dumitru Pop, Professor of Folklore, University of Babes-Bolyai, Str. Mihail Kogalniceanu Nr. 1 Cluj Napoca, 3400, Romania Tel. (40-64) 134-898 PROF. PETER LOWENBERG: 310-471-3030 UCLA, PSYCHOLOGY DEPT. plowenberg@ucla.edu SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIALIST: Google + Specialist and Developer Google+ OLGA LAZIN PROFMEX – Research & Development Director - @olgamlazin Twitter Proficient and Active On All Social Media Platforms; LinkedIn: Dr Olga Lazin Andrei Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Olga-Lazin-678921015776101/ Twitter: User - AuOlgaLazin Url - https://twitter.com/AuOlgaLazin Amazon Account: amazon.com/author/olgalazin And: amazon.com/author/olgamagdalenalazin Twitter: @olgamlazin & @olgalazin Facebook: DrOlga Lazin & Olga Lazin http://www.facebook.com/olgalazin Instagram: #drolgalazin, #lazinolga Wordpress; drolgalazin.wordpress.com Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+OLGALAZINDr Blog: http://olgamagdalenaandrei.blogspot.com My Store: http://dr-olga-essential-oils.shopify.com PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/drlazin/pins https://www.pinterest.com/source/olgamagdalenalazin.blogspot.com/ https://www.pinterest.com/drlazin/nutritional-longevity/ BLOG: http://olgaandreimagda.blogspot.com/2017/08/coconut-oil-pulling-benefits-and-my-how.html Tumbler: http://www.Tumblr.com/drlazin http://www.Bloger.com/olgaandrassy.bloger.com EBAY: olazin Blog: Take YOUR life To The Next Level: http://olgaandreimagda.blogspot.com/2017/08/is-vaping-essential-oils-dangerous-nr-1.html Treasure-chest of affirmations. Peter Loewenberg CRUSINUL: The crucifix grows in the plain, the hills, the meadow forests, the wilderness, the waterfalls and the swamps, sporadically in the mountainous regions. The bark of the young branches is harvested for therapy and is only used one year after harvest or if it is subjected to a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius for one hour, otherwise it is toxic. The crust bark contains glycosides, mucilages, saponins, bitter principles, resins, sitosterol, flavones and peptide alkaloids. Cruelty acts as a laxative, purgative, colagogue - favors the excretion of the bile, antiviral and choleratic - stimulates bile secretion. Its laxative effect, for which it is known, installs slowly and is differentiated, depending on the dose. The crust bark is useful in phytotherapeutic treatment of constipation and hepato-biliary dysfunctions. If decoction gums are massaged, we can cure gingivitis. Applied to the scalp, the decoction removes the lice. Crustean extract may inhibit the growth of tumors. Here's how you can take the balloon sweat by the cups How is decoction prepared and how is it consumed? For a moderate acceleration of intestinal transit, prepare as follows: add a teaspoon of the plant to a cup of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, then leave for 15 minutes. He sneezes and drinks hot, empty stomach, morning and evening, or two cups a day, morning and evening, before bedtime. Cruşinul creşte la câmpie, pe dealuri, în păduri de luncă, în zâvoaie, pe malul apelor şi în mlaştini, sporadic în regiunile montane. Pentru terapie se recoltează scoarţa ramurilor tinere şi se întrebuinţează numai după un an de la recoltare sau dacă este supusă unei temperaturi de 100 grade Celsius, timp de o oră, altfel este toxică. Scoarţa de Cruşin conţine glicozide, mucilagii, saponină, principii amare, răşini, sitosterol, flavone şi alcaloizi peptici. Cruşinul acţionează ca laxativ, purgativ, este colagog – favorizează evacuarea bilei, antiviral şi coleretic – stimulează secreţia de bilă. Efectul său laxativ, pentru care este cunoscut, se instalează lent şi este diferenţiat, în funcţie de doză. Scoarţa de Cruşin este utilă în tratarea fitoterapeutică a constipaţiei şi a disfuncţiilor hepato-biliare. Dacă se masează gingiile cu decoct, putem vindeca gingivita. Aplicat pe scalp, decoctul elimină păduchii. Extractul de Cruşin poate inhiba dezvoltarea tumorilor. IATĂ CUM POŢI SCĂPA DE BALONARE DUPĂ MESELE COPIOASE Cum se prepară decoctul şi cum se consumă? Pentru o accelerare moderată a tranzitului intestinal se prepară astfel: se adaugă o linguriţă cu vârf de plantă la o cană cu apă clocotită, se fierbe timp de 15 minute, apoi se lasă acoperit încă 15 minute. Se strecoară şi se bea călduţ, pe stomacul gol, dimineaţa şi seara sau câte două căni pe zi, dimineaţa şi seara, înainte de culcare. Smashwords – Smashwords Widgets: "

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